Diagnostic Testing

It’s not always complicated. Diagnostic testing can involve something as simple as a physical exam or a blood draw. When a test is needed, having a doctor you trust can make all the difference. Even if you need an X-ray, getting one shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. At Carolina Health & Aesthetics, we provide free and discount testing services for our patients as part of their membership. From screenings to diagnostic imaging, we have what you’re looking for. Once we’ve found what’s making you sick, we can offer support and treatment options too. Become a member of Carolina Health & Aesthetics today to get the health care you need without the hassle.

What Is Diagnostic Testing?

Screening and diagnostic testing are often confused but are actually two different things. Screening helps figure out how likely you are to develop a disease. Diagnostic testing helps diagnose an illness that you may already have. Mamograms and coloscopies are two examples of this kind of testing, and they’re both offered at our office.

Other diagnostic testing options include:
  • Blood Tests.
  • CT Scans and X-rays.
  • Electrocardiograms.
  • Digital Rectal Exam (DRE).
If you need a test that we don’t offer, we can also refer you to a trusted specialist for free. When you become a member of Carolina Health & Aesthetics, you can enjoy testing, treatment, and the comfort of getting the attention you need on your terms.

When Is Diagnostic Testing Needed?

A medical test may be necessary if a physical exam reveals something abnormal. In other cases, if you have symptoms like frequent shortness of breath or unexplained fatigue, a test can help us come to a diagnosis. Whether you need a diagnostic test or physical, you can receive both services for free as part of your membership.

What Requires Diagnostic Testing?

  • Diabetes – Often requires blood tests for a diagnosis.
  • Digestive Diseases – A coloscopy or GI series may be needed to identify digestive issues.
  • Endocrine Diseases – Thyroid illnesses that require an ultrasound or T4/T3 tests.
  • Kidney Disease – Often require a biopsy to accurately diagnose.
  • Liver Disease – A liver biopsy may be necessary.
  • Urologic Diseases – Requires prostate tests or urodynamic testing.

Receive Diagnostic Testing in Duncan, South Carolina

If you think you may be sick, become a member and get the treatment you deserve today. At Carolina Health & Aesthetics, our team will make every effort to see you and help you feel better. Learn about our membership plans by contacting us via the form below or calling (864) 249-0107.
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