Wrinkles & Fine Lines

Refresh your look and regain your confidence at Carolina Health & Aesthetics. Our ICON™ skin resurfacing treatments make quick work of wrinkles and fine lines. All you need is a 30-minute session to start seeing results. Best of all, there are no injections, chemicals, and you don’t need any downtime.

Helping our patients feel beautiful is our priority. That’s why we use the ICON™ laser system. The process is simple. This device uses heat to smooth out wrinkles and encourage collagen production. Over time, you can experience more youthful, gorgeous skin. If you’re interested, get in touch with our team today.

How Do Wrinkles and Fine Lines Form?

Wrinkles and fine lines form because of collagen loss. It’s not fair, but it’s something we all have to deal with. Aside from natural aging, facial movements and sun exposure can also make the issue worse. The thing is, we can’t exactly stop moving our faces or avoid the sun altogether. So, finding ways to slow the aging process is the logical step. If you’re ready to feel younger, you’ve come to the right place. Our ICON™ treatments are a great wrinkle-reduction choice!

How Can We Help?

30 minutes is all it usually takes to complete an ICON™ session. This device uses fractional microbeams that emit columns of laser energy into the skin. It sounds complicated, but really it’s just safe laser light. Sessions feel like a rubber band snapping against your skin, which most people handle well. Once your treatment is done you can see some improvement almost immediately. That said, you might need a few sessions to see the best results based on your needs. When you come in, we’ll work together to figure out a schedule.

Reduce Wrinkles and Fine Lines in Duncan, South Carolina

At Carolina Health & Aesthetics, we make looking younger feel natural. If you’re ready, get in touch with our team in Duncan, South Carolina today. To schedule, simply submit the form below or give our office a call at (864) 249-0107. We look forward to hearing from you!
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